Shadow Works

When you seek to be more aware, more whole, you will find that your psyche has two parts: the conscious and the unconscious. Both are equally important, but the later remains relatively hidden, until you begin to do shadow work. Such is the nature of Neo-Shamanic Shadow Works. We help you to find and learn the tools to uncover, if not re-member, those stashed away traumas where true gold awaits. This is why you are a Seeker.

At our workshops you will benefit from meticulously held sacred space, an energetic frequency container, authentic ritual elders, your cohesive self, rites of passage, ritual, emotional release, Jungian sensitivities and, of course, the Neo-Shamanic Breathwork.

Shamanic Shadow Works
Neo-Shamanic Shadow Works

Neo-Shamanic Breathwork


    • Is in the tradition and direct lineage of Holotropic Breathwork;


    • Is a safe and effective process that combines
      Deep Breathing, Evocative Music and Sacred Space

      to bring about expanded States of Awareness;


    • allows for releasing blocked emotions, complexes and even overly rigid belief systems,


    • All in a safe and supportive environment.


  • Holotropic Breathwork was developed by the renowned psychiatrist Dr. Stanislav Grof, arguably one of the most influential transpersonal psychology theorists in the world.
Neo-Shamanic Shadow Works - Lionsgate Portal Breathwork Workshop


  • Roaring Fork Valley Monthly Scheduled WorkShops (dates TBA)

  • Private Workshops ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD

  • 3-Day Retreats At Luxury Resorts